Yes. The Park is owned by a charitable trust and managed by Auckland Memorial Park Limited. The trust owns the freehold of the land. The managing company oversees day-to-day operations and is responsible for the cost of all improvements on the land.
The Directors, all NZ Residents; David Appleby, Jackie Or, Nigel Powell and Gerome Powell.
Burial plots are owned in perpetuity, which means that the Park and its managers can never resell your plot.
The purchase price for every plot includes a one off 10% fee which goes into the Perpetual Maintenance Fund. The income from this trust will be used to maintain Auckland Memorial Park and its burial plots into the future.
Yes, we are one of the few cemeteries in Auckland that accommodate pre-purchasing of ash/burial plots.
Yes, arrangements can be made with our team to assist you with this process.
Yes, all of New Zealand’s diverse cultural and religious beliefs are respected and, whatever your ethnicity or faith, you can find a place to call your own in the Park, with a burial customised to meet your needs.
Yes, at present, pre-paid funerals and related products/services, up to $10,000 are excluded from any asset testing. This can include the cost of a plot and memorial.